
Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year

The clock has struck midnight here in Central Time.  That border has been crossed and the new trek begins into the field of the unknown.  2014, whatever it was, can now recede into memory.  In time, only so many things that occurred this year will we stamp with the number.  With any luck, we will have learned something from it all, and we'll be better from both what the year gave and took.

May the coming year bring you new reasons to laugh, people with whom you can share, and new endeavors to accomplish.   May the changes to come be faced with courage.  May the gifts to come be received with grace.

Here, in the earliest of the next 8766 hours or so ahead or us before we do this again, let's enjoy the newly minted year and another chance to do it well.

I'll raise a glass to the days we won't get back from the year left behind, and drink to what the coming days can bring.

Here's to hope.  Here's to a New Year.


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