
Friday, April 12, 2013

Your Daily Dose of Good Cheer: Jamie

Our grand finale!

Really, what's not to like?

To folks who were in the right circles, it was not a secret (even from Jamie), that when I first met Jamie, I was quite smitten.  She, however, was less interested in the guy who had just tried Jaeger and Goldschlager for the first time, and was stumbling around a backyard in San Antonio.  Eventually, two years later, we made ourselves a thing.  In April of 2000, we made it official.

Nineteen and a half years after that first, somewhat blurry conversation, and she's still my favorite pin-up.

While we won't retire the "dames" label, we're retiring "Your Daily Dose of Good Cheer" with our favorite dame of them all.  Go out on a high note, I always say.

Now, go get your rest and put your head down on the closest dog you can find.


  1. Aw. This is so darn sweet. Good way to go out.

    And if she's anything like me, she'd like it if there was a "Daily Dose of Good Cheer" featuring a little Cary Grant or a young Marlon Brando every once in a while.

  2. Man, the "sleeping on the couch with the dog" pics are always good-cheer inducing.
    I think I've gotten my daily dose...

  3. Hey, you got Tom Selleck. That's more man than I thought the internet fibers could even stand. We start posting Brando, or, God forbid, Bruce Lee, and that much manliness could blow up the whole internet.


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