
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

New Man of Steel Trailer Arrives

It seems that the DNA of Richard Donner's Superman is stronger than you'd think.  For a movie that was to be bringing a new Superman to the world, there's certainly no small amount of the epic, world spanning vision Donner's Superman brought to the screen for the first time.  Not to mention that it was really Donner and Co. who brought Zod to prominence (he'd not even been the primary Kryptonian villain in the comics, that was Jax-Ur).  And there's definitely no small amount of what I recall from the Johns/ Donner penned issues of Action Comics from 2006-ish to what I'm picking up to be the plot.

All that said, I'm pleased.  I may miss the red trunks, but I think Cavill seems to have this down.  The footage looks spectacular, and (sigh) Amy Adams seems to be a new twist on Lois Lane.

I've heard say folks suggest that Superman doesn't need his origin retold for a new Superman movie, and I tend to disagree.  The origin has to work for modern audiences, and, more than anything, I think kids need to see the origin in a language they work in already - these days, that's big, loud, epic movies.

Well, no joke, I'm in.  Still looking at this with one squinted, skeptical eye as I remember whose name is attached as director, but you never know.

Oh, and, by the way, if that's Hans Zimmer's score, I approve.


  1. I'm with you, but what do you mean by the new twist on Lois Lane? I admit I know only a fraction of what you know about the character, but there didn't seem like much to go on.

  2. Ah. Yeah, I think the fact that it seems Lois is out actively seeking the person who will be known as Superman before he reveals himself in Metropolis is a nice twist.

  3. I'm gonna watch like one, maybe two, of these super things with you. Because to watch more would constitute enabling.

  4. I wrote this comment on the wrong post. It's s'posed to be about the marathon.

  5. I think there's a fair amount to be optimistic about with that trailer. Like, there were 2 dogs in it, for example...

  6. My biggest concern is that this is going to be Snyder saying "It's gonna be as Americana as @#$%!!!!". The man's idea of restraint is two scenes in a row that don't include fast-slow-fast or an on-the-nose pop song.

  7. He better not use the fast-slow-fast thing.


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