
Monday, April 8, 2013

Annette Funicello Merges with The Infinite

It seems that original Mouseketeer, beach movie fixture and boomer icon, Annette Funicello, has passed.

 I knew Annette from her 80's-era TV appearances and also as the girl that, apparently, men of my Dad's generation all grew up having a crush on.  Annette Funicello was going through a sort of nostalgia-tour renaissance when I was a kid, in peanut butter commercials, guest appearances, etc.. at a time when we also happened to have the Disney Channel, which would rerun the old Mickey Mouse Club episodes (but not in order, because that would be nuts).  And I was just the kind of kid who was cool enough to think a good afternoon included Mr. Ed and Mickey Mouse Club re-runs.

and with those sunglasses, who could blame them?
I do recall that, just as she seemed to be getting some footing as a fixture once again with projects like the 1987 movie Back to the Beach, she was diagnosed with MS, and reduced her appearances, eventually retiring.

Here's to an icon of television and movies who fought the good fight.

So long, Annette.  While I am not sure I'll see you real soon, we all do like you.

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