
Monday, March 25, 2013

Jamie's B-Day. I made a cake.

This is the Duncan Hines cake I made for Jamie for her birthday.  It was basic yellow cake with frosting out of a can.  I'm not a baker and I don't play one on TV.  This was what I could do with the know-how I've got.  Also, I didn't destroy the kitchen, which I think Jamie appreciated, as I'm also bad at cleaning up the kitchen.

We stumbled into a birthday party, with Jason and Amy, Amy's mom, Amy's grandpa, my folks and Jamie's dad.  None of this was organized last night.  It just sort of happened.  I'll take it.

Afterward, we came home and had the cake.

Jamie poses with cake

Jamie and her dad share a moment of birthday mirth

I was told by my parents "you're too tall!  Scooch down!"  I scooched.

Jamie also got a lot of cards, a few presents (a bottle of gin from Amy and Co., which...  well done, Davises!), and we all ate too much.  A very nice night.

Happy birthday to the best person I know.


  1. Yay! Happy birthday, Jamie. Also, mmm, cake.

  2. Nice cake! Once again, happy birthday, Jamie!

  3. Dude yellow box cake with chocolate frosting is one of life's underrated pleasures. Go you.


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