
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Happy Birthday to Jamie

Monday (the 25th) is Jamie's birthday.

To celebrate, Saturday we went out to Lucy's Friend Chicken on South Congress and then to Midnight Cowboy Modeling, a former 6th street, uh... modeling location, now a speakeasy bar.

Y'all, I ate so much chicken...  It comes in aluminum buckets.  It's not even fair.

oh, the carnage
A lovely evening out, and kudos to Nicole for driving and organizing.

Jamie isn't getting a present to open on her b-day as we've got tickets to a show later this spring and she's flying out to see Rebecca in a few weeks for some fun in TN.

So, here's some things she likes, all here in a blog post:

A Blur song:

Too many puppies:

A handsome Tiki Barber:

The Smoke Monster:

Our pretty princesses:

This guy:



Cold Milk:

Cheese Enchilada:

The two focal points here:

Sparkle vampires:

Gladiator movies featuring children:

napping and sunbeams:

and who wouldn't love this:


  1. Wish Jamie a happy birthday for me too. Us late March'ers have to stick together.

  2. Ugh take out the gross sparkly vampire and you've got a good list. I especially like that last handsome fellow. Thanks, honey!


  3. Happy Birthday, Jamie!

    TA & KB

  4. Happy Birtday Mrs. The League!

  5. Woot and stuff. Happy 25th Birthday!

  6. Happy birthday!!!! You love sparkly vammmmpppiiiiressss!!!


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