
Monday, January 28, 2013

Who Was in Our Driveway When Google Maps Took a Satellite Picture?

A baffling photo.

Someone was in our driveway when the eagle-eyed satellites of Google Maps flew overhead and took a picture of our house.

That's definitely my car in the driveway, but I can't tell if that's Jamie's mom's car out front or not.

Judging from the light, it seems to be almost exactly noon when the picture was taken, and it seems it had been raining and was possibly last spring, based on the green of the trees.

At first I thought this was Jamie walking the dog, but she thought it looked like someone with a small child coming up behind.

I have no idea what's happening here in my driveway, but it looks like I was home for the picture.

I suppose we'll never know...


  1. I think that is my mom's car, in which case it would have been August when Doug was with us. No idea who the person is and it looks more like a small child than a dog to me. It's a mystery for the ages...

  2. Probably the doughnut and scotch delivery man.

  3. Are you guys sure it's not me and my Honda? I think it's me and my Honda.


  4. That could be you and Matt, which would explain the smallish second party in the photo.


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