But, mostly, self-published (and self-stapled - thus the name) comics.
I have mixed feelings on the whole thing, but a few caveats:
1) I attended by myself
2) I have mild social anxiety issues, so I really didn't talk to anybody there
3) As at all conventions (including the ones I've attended for work), I am not a huge fan of the table approach. I don't know how to improve it, but there's really no polite way to approach a table and explore what is on said table without clearly raising the hopes of the seller or without feeling like you need to buy something. There's some weird desperation going on there. And if its not, then there's just a very bored person sitting behind the table contemptuously eyeing you for spending time at their table and not buying anything.
You cannot win.
But I figured if I was going to be serious about sticking around comics even if I'm pulling out of the monthly superhero thing, I should probably check out what's going on with indie books.