
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Man of Steel Trailer is GO


  1. Simon, I can't share your cynicism, wisdom, cautiousness, sobriety. I AM TOTALLY JAZZED FOR THIS! Fanboy Jake has completely taken over. I think this looks just epic. I didn't see any red flags to cause concern, OR slow motion from Mr. Snyder. That has to count for something, right?! I really hope the Mayans can but off the apocalypse until June 14, cause I gotta see this.

  2. Well, the ttrailer itself didn't sway me one way or the other even a little bit. The trailer looks good, but we have all been duped by good trailers for bad films so many, many times. On the other hand, I didn't realize that Nolan was involved in this until I saw his name on this trailer. THAT gives me some hope.


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