
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Well, so I'm back in Austin (for a bit)

I don't know how I did this to myself this fall, but my schedule somehow got filled up right up til Christmas.  Not totally full, but it sure feels like it's going to be jam-packed.

Friday I fly out for a family reunion of sorts in Florida.  I return Sunday night and then next Tuesday (the 13th) will be flying out to Lubbock, returning Thursday the 15th.  And then Thanksgiving.  And then December 1 we're having our Holiday party (you, yes YOU, are invited!).  We'll follow that with me cheerleading a wedding in mid-December, and then we're pretty much in Christmas.

Christmas, people.

I haven't thought at all about Christmas yet, which is a bit unusual.  I don't like for it to sneak up on me, so I usually start shopping in September in some way.  But this morning when I walked from the hotel to a bakery, the city employees of Denver were stringing the trees of a public square right outside the door with merry, colored lights.  And for the first time in a long time, I sort of panicked, thinking about dealing with the march toward Christmas morning.

But this weekend I am headed to meet up with my Dad's side of the family that has largely decamped to the Tallahassee area.  I'm in and out in about 36 hours and booked wall-to-wall with family activity, so while I appreciate the list of bars that's about the flood the comment section, I will not go to them.

Anyway, I'm a bit scattered at the moment, but at least the hammer of work just let up a bit.

Oh, and it IS the day of the 2012 Election for POTUS.  So, Americans, if you're registered - please get out the vote!

I would have voted for any candidate who took this approach. 

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