
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Signal Event: Anyone Want to Catch a Frankenstein Double-Bill on October 24th?

Holy cats, people.

On October 24th, Fathom Events will be showing both of the James Whale directed Frankenstein movies at cinemas all across the country.

Basically, the movie theater will show a high-resolution digital copy of the movie in full cinematic sound, etc...  and you sit in your theater seat and eat popcorn and whatnot and know you're sharing the same experience with people all across the country.

So, a double-bill?  Well, yes.

1.  Both movies are exceedingly brief, coming in at around 80 minutes each.  So, you're basically out just under 3 hours for the full experience.
2.  If you've never seen Bride, it picks up all of five minutes after the conclusion of the first film, so watching them together is heaps of fun.
3.  James Whale just keeps ramping up the weird between these two movies.  You will full on wonder who slipped you crazy-pills by half-way through Bride.

I think I've gone on record about how these two films are two of my favorites in all of cinema.  I find it hard to pass up such a golden opportunity, especially as ill-fortune meant my planned trip to San Antonio this summer to watch The Bride with Nathan got scrubbed.

This is high Halloween awesomeness served up by TCM, Fathom and Universal.  I'm excited!

If you want to join me in Austin, use the "contact" tab above.  We will make an evening of it.


  1. I might make it to at least ne of those!

  2. Well, they're both pretty short, and I don't know what the format is as its a single ticket purchase, but we can see.


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