
Monday, August 27, 2012

Trek Watch: s1e3 - Where No Man Has Gone Before

There's really endless commentary out there on Star Trek, but I really do want to watch the whole original series in order, so you may see some comments from time to time.

Technically, "Where No Man Has Gone Before" is episode 3 of Season 1.  It features a young and terribly fetching Sally Kellerman as Dr. Elizabeth Dehner.  Rumor has it this is the episode that the filmmakers may be basing part of the plot on for the next film.  I have no idea if that's true, but the episode is a pretty great Trek story, even if Sulu isn't on the bridge, Scotty is a bit part, and there's no Dr. McCoy to be seen.  And absolutely no Uhura, which is ALWAYS a mistake.

In fact, this episode was intended to be the pilot, but as so often happens - the episodes were aired out of order making this Episode 3.

confession:  I'm still envious of Shatner's haircut from Trek.  That and "The Draper".  Man, I could never really pull either off.

Some Trek nerd actually knows how this game is played

The Enterprise enters a strange field at the edge of the galaxy that imbues Kirk's pal, Lt. Commander Gary Mitchell, with awesome mental powers.  And we face the age old dilemma of a man losing his humanity as he gains super powers.  

I'm shocked at how strong the show was coming right out of the gate as fairly potent sci-fi, even if they have to resort to fisticuffs to solve the problem.  

Also, they were still figuring out the uniforms.  Command is in gold, science is in blue, but they have funky collars and Spock is in command gold.  Do not approve.


The formula isn't there quite yet, but the solid foundation for the Enterprise is taking shape quite nicely.


  1. The show at this point still looked more 1950s than 1960s. By the time "Naked Time" and "The Man Trap" aired they got the look right. Spock still hasn't shaken off all the emotion he displayed in "The Menagerie."

  2. I can't wait. Naked Time is next and, I believe, features dueling Sulu. It was the episode where, as a kid, I first really tuned into how awesome/ smooth Sulu really is.

  3. I heard the new movie is going to have a plotline involving Khan. Have no idea if that's true.

  4. I heard the same thing, but Benedict Cumberbatch seemed like a really odd choice for Kahn, so when I heard this rumor, I kind of bought it. For all I know, its an all-new thing, or merging of the two ideas. In any case, its not like I won't go see a Star Trek movie.


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