
Monday, July 16, 2012

The Weekend in Signal Watch (and the week ahead)

If I didn't do all that much this weekend, give me a break.  It's been a long six weeks or so, and Sunday night my air conditioner quit.  Again.

Me and the service company are going to have words.

  1. I read Grant Morrison's SuperGods
  2. Jamie and I trekked to see Moonrise Kingdom
  3. I continue to watch Crank movies
  4. And I tried to prep you guys a bit for the release of Dark Knight Rises

The big news out of San Diego as I saw it:

  • Legendary Pictures is most definitely making a Godzilla movie in the style of the Toho Studios movies we grew up with, and less like the 1998 "re-imagining" of 30 stories of terror
  • Mark Waid won, like, a handful of Eisner awards, recognizing the great work he's doing on Daredevil and specifically that great snowbound issue
  • MonkeyBrain Comics had a panel that seemed to go well
  • The trailer for Man of Steel was well received
  • Marvel has Thor, Captain America, Ant-Man, and Guardians of the Galaxy on the slate and Iron Man 3 in production
  • Pacific Rim sounds really fun
  • And, of course, Neil Gaiman is making more Sandman
Mostly it was pretty quiet.  The era of trying to compete for announcements at SDCC is over.  You really see one or two from the Big 2, and that's more than enough.  Too much gets lost in the cacophony.

The gameplan for the week:

Tuesday:  Haircut - gotta stay neat and tidy
Wednesday:  Matt, Nicole and myself will go see the screening of  Shut Up and Play the Hits at the Alamo South
Thursday:  Off to see a double-bill at the Paramount Stateside Theater.  We welcome you to join us for Scarlet Street and Kiss Me Deadly, two very different movies, both on the edge of comfortably fitting within noir
Friday:  dance party
Saturday:  3:40 PM show of The Dark Knight Rises with Juan, Matt & Jamie, but you're welcome, too, crime fighter!

And before we go...

This article has been making the rounds, the thesis of which is that "millenials don't like old movies!  Swoon!".

No kidding.  Neither did Gen Y, Gen X or anyone I ever heard say things like "Oh, but is it in black and white?"*  My PARENTS don't seek out or deal much with older movies, and I don't think my father-in-law (a twice a week at the theater guy) cares a lot about them either.  So, you know.

My thesis statement:  there will always be a minority of people who start noticing older films, books, etc... and Millenials have them, too.  I've met them.  Some of them have phenomenal taste and a wide depth of knowledge (hi, Amy) in film and books.

Some people just don't like looking at old things, and yes, I would agree that social media is part of the movie going experience, just as it's part of enjoying older films.  And how it's part of the end of the grip of a few select taste makers having the final say on any movie.  It's why IMDB, Box Office Mojo and Rotten Tomatoes are all vital sites for our time.

*other favorites:  fury at subtitles and, back in the 90's, letterboxing.

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to mention, in SDCC news:

    From Image comics-
    "Reign" by Chris Roberson & Paul Mayberry
    "Lazarus" by Rucka & Lark


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