
Friday, May 4, 2012

We Rewatched "The Muppets" - Movies 2012

As we plod on through talking about every movie we watched in 2012, I am obliged to mention that we spent this evening watching 2011's The Muppets.

We talked about the movie in passing back in Novemberish, and I stand by what I said back then. Its a great all ages film, and the sort of thing I hope parents are sharing with their kids.

I will note, on this go-round I noticed that within about twenty minutes of the same movie, the movie expressly makes a point about believing in yourself as a sign of understanding yourself, but then concludes the movie by having Kermit tell everyone he believes in them.  So, you know, whatever.  We all believe in everybody.  I guess that's okay.

1 comment:

  1. Jen and I also enjoyed the movie. I think they did a great job. Our two daughters, Meredith and Sloane, absolutely love the movie. Grandma is getting it for Meredith's birthday and we already own the movie soundtrack.

    Jen told me that Jason Segal mentioned in an interview that he was sad that the Muppets were not well known by today's kids like they were when we were kids. So it's definitely an effort of love for the franchise and trying to make them relevant in today's world.



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