
Saturday, May 12, 2012

A Post-Walk Wrap Up

So, today we rose at 6:30 and were at Lake Pflugerville by 8:00 for a 9:00 walk.

We finally kicked off around 9:15 or so.

Many would leave, not all would return

The girl of the hour leads the way!

The much discussed fake lake

The Dug and K walk with The Admiral

The KareBear completes the walk (for Jamie S.)

The Admiral gives out advice, BeardyJason and Amy look at something on the ground

My mother was dancing here.  I don't think I really captured the magic.


  1. This is great! So glad it was such a success. My mom has lupus, and we just found out this year that they do something similar to support it. Next year we want to get a group together to walk in support of her. This looks like such a fun thing to do together, and it's tangible evidence that you have people who will show up when you need them...which is always nice.

  2. Its been remarkable from beginning to end. Not just the support we saw come in financially, which was 7x my initial guess for how we'd do, but then the whole family signing up to walk, and how much they raised individually.

    As important as the day to day stuff is, and I only know what I read about Lupus, even as the person who is not hitting dialysis three times per week, I am reminded: we are not alone in this, and people do care.

    Keep us posted as your event comes up on the calendar.


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