
Monday, April 16, 2012

Pretty Good Weekend

editor's note:  If you have not yet read about my Charity Walk For Kidneys, please click here.

This weekend was pretty ideal.

Friday I went out to see my brother's band, The Mono Ensemble, play at Austin institution (of sorts), The Carousel Lounge.  Jamie could not come out, but I met Jason's friends from work and hung out with Reed's sister, Heather, whom I've known since middle school.

Here's me dancing to the sounds of The Mono E with the lead singer's wife, Stephanie, and Anna, a band-buddy.

Yes, that is me in the "John Carter of Mars" t-shirt biting my lip as I get down  on the dancefloor.
I am exactly as cool at age 37 as I was at age 13.
Saturday we threw open the doors here at League HQ and had a steady stream of folks from 2:00 PM until midnight.  Burgers were grilled, sausage was charred, old friends met new friends, parents came by, employees came by, Vespers were made and MikeR consumed the bottle of Ghostface Killah Ale which I had purchased for him.

Also, Jamie made an amazing raspberry chocolate cake, which is probably my favorite kind of cake (with only German Chocolate and Carrot Cake in any other kind of contention).

Today I rose late, watched too much River Monsters on Animal Planet, and then The Admiral came by and we solved a problem which had long plagued us.  About 4-5 years ago the lights in both closets in our bedroom went out.  I figured it was an electrical issue and as you could basically see into the closets, was not compelled to fix the problem because:  money.

The Admiral and I looked into it, and... no.  Both fixtures were LED fixtures with transformers that had died.  We removed them and replaced them with incadescents, and...  lights.

This evening we had pizza and watched Mad Men with Matt and Nicole.  It was a particularly good episode, I thought.

And nothing obvious went wrong all weekend long.  Not a bad deal for my birthday weekend.

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