
Monday, March 26, 2012

Signal Watch Watches: From Russia With Love

I did.  I totally saw this at The Alamo Drafthouse Slaughter Lane.  Its Connery as Bond.  Robert Shaw all huge and dyed Aryan.  Its a great Bond movie.

Thanks to Jamie, Simon, Leta, JAL, The Admiral and KareBear for coming out.

Also:  if you go down there, may I recommend "The Vesper"?  Its James Bond's cocktail of choice, and its now mine.

I do not have time for this.


  1. One of the top 3 or 4 Bond movies in my opinion. The fight scene with Shaw on the train in fantastic. The one scene I don't get is where Bond is strolling around in his hotel room while the Bond theme music is blaring like it's the middle of the big action climax. Doesn't fit. Still, great movie.

  2. This is the first time I'd seen the movie since I was a kid, and I really didn't remember anything but the boat fight. I really enjoyed it, but... dude! I had exactly the same thought about the hotel room/ Bond theme. I like John Barry, too, but, yeah. They hadn't quite mastered how to score the "and now he's just ironing his trousers" parts of the movies yet. Glad I'm not the only one who thought that was weird.

  3. I'm constantly jealous of the lovely weird and wonderful city in which you live where you can see "From Russia with Love" on a Monday night while sipping on a cocktail. I have to get my manager to fly me down to Austin!

  4. I try very, very hard not to take Austin for granted. Its easy enough to do when you live here and I know that I didn't always appreciate the town as much as I should have. Luckily four years in a really dull bedroom community where a hot time out on the weekend was going to Chili's and the mall, I try to keep in mind that this town offers a lot, especially for its relative size. Really, it can offer too much sometimes. Which is why I whine about money.

    But, yeah, it was amazing to see a sold-out theater seating around 200 people all watching a 50 year old movie. Get thee down here and we'll find something to do.


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