
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I'm probably dying (Sick Day 2)

Oh, woe is me.  I have a cold.  No allergies.  Not a hoax or imaginary tale.  I'm just wrestling with a low-grade fever and too much phlegm.

Anyway, I'm going to take it easy.  You guys rest up, too, and hopefully with a bit of soup and some rest, I'll be back up and running soon.  Right now I just hope I didn't give Jamie this bug.


  1. No. That's a panel blown up entirely too large. Its his jaggy cheekbones.

  2. you don't have to cover for him.

  3. This is really more for Jamie than you:

  4. Dammit, JAL. He's going through a thing! Maybe not as bad as this cold I have, something... deathy. Let him have his moment. He deserves it.

    And, @Jason - you missed my soliloquy to Jamie today about the fate of the world if anyone else catches this cold I have, which is clearly going to be a global epidemic.

  5. I bet that Jamie sucks out the phlegm from your nose with a snot sucker, while you cry and whimper, like Emily does with the baby.

  6. That's a thing? Wow. I... ugh... not cut out for parenthood at all.

  7. You are definitely dying. Nice knowing you. And Superman.


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