
Monday, February 6, 2012

Light blogging ahead (I'm in Lubbock)

Tonight I am in Lubbock.  And tomorrow night I leave Lubbock.  I won't be home until near midnight, so do not look for me.

I'm up here visiting Texas Tech University, a pretty darn good school pretty darn near as far away from the rest of the world as possible.  Sort of a reminder of how spread out we are once you pass west of the Mississippi.  Fortunately, I haven't had to go to El Paso yet for work, but I might one day.  And when I do, I might see about going to Ft. Davis or something you hear about in Texas, but you kind of have to really want to do.

This time to Lubbock I flew rather than drive my own car.  I had believed the Lubbock airport took turbo props from Dallas, but learned en route from SF a couple weeks back that jets come here.  It wasn't a 737, and I forgot to look to see what carried me here, but I'll look on the way back.  It sure beats the 8 hour drive.

Anyhow, limited blogging for several days.  I'm sure you'll all get along just fine.


1 comment:

  1. As we used to say at TTU, "It's not hell, but you can smell it from here."

    I'll be headed up there myself in a few weeks.


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