
Sunday, January 22, 2012

So, San Francisco is an interesting town.

I do love my little hamlet of Austin, Texas, and I'm not one to plan to move anywhere because I had a few nice days of vacation, but San Francisco is an interesting burg.

I've had the good fortune of having Jenifer (aka: @J__Swift) as my tour guide.  Today it was not pouring down rain, and so we went to breakfast and wandered into a cafe where we ran into Bruce McCulloch of Kids in the Hall fame (and because he's one of the Kids in the Hall, he's also one of the funniest people I can think of) and tried to very nonchalantly eat brunch outside the window he was eating inside of.  So, like, a foot away.  I guess he could hear us a little because when Jenifer came back to the table and asked "was the Bruce McCulloch?" he waved at us.

He doesn't live here.  He was just in town for SF Sketchfest, which is an awesome event and something else we don't have in Austin (like a Thai restaurant every block, as near as I can tell).

So he probably heard some of my super-lame anecdotes.  You're welcome, Bruce McCulloch.

Jenifer took me around a bit to see some sites, not the least of which was the Cartoon Museum.  A small space, but with a great variety of examples of work of iconic cartoonists, from Al Capp to Gene Colan to a current exhibit by Keith Knight.  Every few panels I'd find something I was amazed to see, be it a print of a Yellow Kid strip, or original Gene Colan Daredevil art, to...  well, it was worth it.

Jenifer and her pal Morgan took me to a nifty vintage shop where I found a Superman vinyl record of the old radio broadcasts (it was inexpensive, Jamie), and a reprint of a World's Finest comic in a format I'd never seen before.

This evening returning via public transportation I saw no less than two couples in wedding outfits.  Today, I saw my first real-life version of Reals (real life superheroes walking down the street).  And, I guess, Victorians wandering about this evening in their finery.  Yes, I totally stared one dude down with a "boy, what are you doing?" look which was totally inappropriate given my own costuming choices Friday night.  Lots of crazy hobos, too.  If Austin wants to believe itself weird, its really going to have to step it up.

The Film Noir Fest has been fascinating.  I thought Austin was a movie town, but, sorry, Austin.  What I've come to see as a crucial difference is the lack of hipster-ness, irony, etc... that I take as part and parcel of the film-going experience at The Alamo.  While the population of San Francisco and surrounding communities is considerably larger than Austin, what you would not see is a 1400 seat theater sell out for double-bills of noir two nights in a row.  And sustain a 10-night Noir Fest.

The crowd is all over the place in terms of age, which is interesting.  It does remind me of the better nights at Austin's Paramount Theater, where you really do see all kinds of people.  And because I'm selfish and want to see movies I'd care to see on the big screen, I keep thinking about how one could replicate such a feat.

There is a tragic lack of Rice-a-Roni, but I have secured a tin trolley car which goes "ding" about which I am quite excited.

I do want to thank Jenifer for taking her time and energy and devoting both toward my entertainment and amusement.  She's been a real champ, and its been a huge pleasure not to speak to her entirely in 140 character tweets.  Look her up if you come out this way.

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