So, okay. Before I am accused of saying that Green Lantern is a good movie, just understand, we're not saying that. But let's do a few things here.
1) The fact that Green Lantern scored a 20% at Rottentomatoes is a pretty good acknowledgement that 4 of 5 people gave this movie an unfavorable review. That doesn't mean they were wretching their guts out, but 80% of people who care enough about movies to write about them can all agree that, yeah, that could have been way better. So lets get a handle on what that rating means.
2) As someone who consumes a whole lotta superhero media, there are different scales of badness out there, and this movie is nowhere near, say, the un-aired JLA pilot in terms of being just unforgivebly bad. As someone who has seen
Santa with Muscles and watched
Manos: The Hands of Fate three times, I will tell you when you've achieved true awfulness.
3) I don't know if people had high expectations for this movie or not, but there's a giddiness out there in the zeitgeist about wanting to dogpile on this movie that, and I'm not just saying this as a fan of the comics, but just from a movie-go'er's perspective, I'm not sure it deserves.
4) The Green lantern mythology is somewhat convoluted even over 50-odd years of comics. Cramming it into a movie was always going to be a trick.
5) The CGI is actually quite good in this movie. I don't know why it looked half-baked on TV and online. But its pretty amazing, actually, in many parts of the movie.
6) I can't imagine that 20-odd years of reading GL on an off hasn't given me something of a leg-up on understanding what the hell was going on. So now you people know how I've felt in the last few
Harry Potter movies.
This never happens in the movie |