
Monday, December 19, 2011

Dark Knight Rises Official Trailer


  1. Random speculation but when I see "The Legend Dies" I think it has to do with the fact that everyone in Gotham City will know Batman is for real as he's duking it out with Bane in public. I don't think it means Batman dies but wouldn't that be quite the swerve by Nolan.

  2. I think saying "we're killing Batman" in your first trailer is pretty unlikely, and thus tend to agree.

    I hate to say it, but I generally just tune out during the taglines for trailers as they seem semi-content free and driven by marketing people, not the director.

    Anyhoo... what I see looks interesting and on a scale that I think will be fascinating.

  3. It should be a great film. It'll be hard to temper my level of expectations based on how the previous movies have be received by my brain and Nolan's other films


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