
Sunday, November 20, 2011

It's Thanksgiving Week, Signal Corps!

I shall be as bloated as this Thanksgiving parade balloon by Sunday
It's Thanksgiving Week here in the United States of America, and that means people will begin spreading all over the country in short order as we find time to rejoin with family and friends.  Or, of course, some of you may take advantage of a couple of days off and head for a long weekend on the beach somewhere.  Man, that sounds nice.


I just thought I'd get this out of the way before we got distracted by other things.

This year we've got The Dug & K en route to sunny Austin/ San Marcos, TX and we'll be having a nice, relaxed Thanksgiving that, for scheduling reasons, will culminate in Turkey Dinner on Saturday instead of Thursday.

I expect most of you will start disappearing by Tuesday.  We'll keep posting all week, I guess.  Catch up whenever you can.

Donald with a blunderbuss.  What could go wrong?
So Thanksgiving is a good time to take stock of all the things that are more or less going your way.  And as a 21st Century person of middle-class means, I suppose I've quite a bit to be thankful for.  Heck, living in the 21st Century seems to be something to be pretty thankful for when one considers the alternative of spending three months on a boat to end up on Plymouth Rock and then watching everybody keel over in your little colony from the plague, the vapors and whatnot.

So let's just put a big check mark next to "man has conquered some of nature, and I won't be eaten by an otter unless something goes very wrong" as something I'm thankful for.

I've got a steady job (no small feat in these shaky economic times), I'm working at a place and with people I like.  I am doing something which I actually believe in.  I can mostly afford a decent lifestyle for me and for the wife and my four-legged housemates.  And I still have some to give to those in need (and I'm not one of those myself this year).

I am thankful I have money and time enough to READ comics and WATCH the shows I want, AND I have time enough to read ABOUT comics and movies and whatnot and WRITE about them.  Only in the 21st Century, people.

And that's not to mention that in our modern era I can get my hands on all manner of movies I want to watch with the click of a button, find comics from masters of the art in amazing collections.  That's really great. And, in the past year, I've gotten to meet two of my favorite writers (and drink on one of their patios), and met one of my favorite artists.

It's a crazy world, people.

In the DCU, its totally okay to walk on the table with your tiny, dirty feet, Ray Palmer
The world has become larger and smaller because of technology.  I am thankful for all you who swing by and read the site, or whom I know from social media, etc... and especially for those of you with whom I believe we've developed a friendship.  That's pretty amazing.

I hate to break it to you, but I also have a few friends who don't actually read this blog (or comics, etc..), and I have to give a shout out to them, too.  They're pretty great as well.

Family has converged on Austin.  This year my Uncle Donald (not the duck, and he never refers to me as a "molecule") has moved to Austin.  As well as, of course, the folks who joined us just two weeks ago.  We're all doing okay here in the ATX.

And, speaking of, I am most thankful (as always) for Jamie.

Its been a great year, and for that, we're thankful.

So get your cornucopia out, fill it with gourds, put on your pilgrim hat and place a turkey in the oven.

And if you're me, be up in time to tune into the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in order to see The Rockettes.

we are always thankful for Rockettes
Happy Turkey Day, people.  May your travels be safe, your families happy and healthy, and your table full of plenty. And I hope your team wins their big game this weekend, because mine most certainly will not.

And its looking pretty bad against Baylor, too.

Ah, heck, Longhorns.  You gave it a good shot this year.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Turkey Week to all of you statesiders. In a bi-partisan show of solidarity I too will eat turkey and watch some football on Thursday. Since everyone I work with is in the good ole U S of A I suspect that Thursday will be a slow day for me.


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