
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tuesday Non-Post (comics, Prohibition, contest)

Man, I'm sorry.

I just didn't get around to any posting for Monday or today.

Truth be told, I'm a little worse for wear from all the reviews and I'm gearing up for the next round of Month 1 DC New reviews, which I very much want to do.

This evening I watched the DVR'd first episode of the Prohibition documentary on PBS while inventorying comics I plan to dispose of.  (a) This accounting for every comic is time consuming, even when they're in the database, and (b) the Prohibition documentary is a fascinating look not just at the cultural forces of 100 years ago, but at the utopian vision of the management of vice via legislation we grapple with daily today.


But mostly, I've just been a bit busy.

We'll be back with the usual malarkey as soon as possible.

We'll also be getting this year's Halloween Signal Corps participation event underway this week, so start thinking spooky thoughts.

if Veronica Lake can think up spooky thoughts, so can you

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