Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Halloween Participation DEADline is TODAY

Hey Signal Corps!

The response to this year's contest has been more or less a trickle of emails coming in.  But I know you guys, and I know you WANT to participate.

Curious about the original post where we talked about this? CLICK HERE!!!

But here's how you can participate:


1)  What is your favorite under-appreciated horror/ monster/ creepy/ whatever movie.  What scary movie did you see that you were shocked to either realize nobody had ever seen, or you realized later: everybody else hates this movie but me?

2)  What was your worst costume choice (or that of a friend or colleague)?  What costume do you just completely and totally regret having worn?  Why? 

  • Please send in all responses by October 19. 
  • We will begin running responses week of October 24.


Everytime we do one of these, you guys write in to tell me "I'm not sure what to say" or "My answer won't be good enough".  Poppycock.  You've all got stories, and everytime we do this, its a blast.  Just share what you've got.

  • You may submit three answers per question (maybe you have a whole list of schlocky movies you really like or just have no ability to put together a costume.  You tell me)
  • Please keep profanity to a minimum.  Remember that my mother-in-law reads this site, and that we love Judy and do not want to make her sad with your swears and gutter talk
  • There is no fixed length for your response, but please include a "who, what, where, when, why" in your answer, if possible
  • You may answer either or both questions (or neither, but we won't give you credit for lack of effort)
  • Pictures are welcome
  • As editor-in-chief of this site, I reserve the right to withhold printing your responses with a clear conscience should you go off the rails, but I will be happy to talk through any issues I have regarding content of your submission
Send your submissions (or questions) to:  signalwatch at gmail dot com

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