
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Our Odd 20th Century/ 21st Century Football Evening

As I've complained about, Time-Warner failed to pick up the Longhorn Network, and seems like it will continue to not carry the Longhorn Network, which means that, like likely thousands of other people in my area, I got up this morning and looked to see if I could change cable carriers.

The only carrier in town with the Longhorn Network is Grande Communications, who are also much cheaper than my carrier, but, of course, they haven't made it yet to my neighborhood.  Whatever that means.

So, last night we had PaulT (aka: @PlacesLost) over at the house, ate some Tostitos, and listened to the game on the radio while watching the LSU/ Orgeon game on mute.  We tried to keep up with both games via iPhones and laptops.  It was kind of a goofy night.

And while Paul's company was great, Paul and I also like to talk as much as grannies at the Gossipin' Fence, so you tend to lose a lot of the nuance of the game unless you decide you're going to just sit there silently.  And, if you're a casual football fan like me, you have a lot of questions you don't often think about when you're able to watch the game.

"A reverse pass?  What the hell is a reverse pass?  What does that even mean?"  Paul was kind enough to mime it out for me.

So that was our weird night.

Also, I was a bit bummed that Oregon lost to LSU.  But quite chuffed that UT won their game 34-9.

Yes, yes.  I know its Rice and not OU, but we didn't just win a game, we won it by more than a touchdown, which means UT might not be the Keystone Cops this year, even if UT, reportedly, didn't play a perfect game.  

The next game to be carried exclusively on the Longhorn Network is the Kansas game, a game I will most definitely want to see.  Hopefully we'll either have the LHN by then, or we can think about all sitting quietly around the radio, I suppose.


  1. In 2011, we should be able to watch any game live.

  2. I shouldn't make light too much. I'm still amazed we figured out electricity.

  3. LSU/Oregon was a bummer, but not unexpected. As good as Oregon's talent and team speed is, LSU, and the cream of the SEC, just have a different kind of athlete. Oregon's choice to favor speed over size will continue to haunt them when playing SEC teams.

    The game also demonstrated that a run like last year means having more than talent; you gotta have special players, and no small amount of luck.

    The Ducks have talent, but fewer special players. And their youth hurt them last night.

    In spite of these factors, the Ducks were right in the game midway through the 3rd quarter, despite several killer turnovers.

    Bottom line: Oregon has yet to arrive, and they won't until they beat a top SEC team. And I really wish they would because SEC fan is becoming intolerable.

    At least Boise St. beat Georgia.

  4. The game was available on some...certain feeds on the internet. Check out Veetle. It was there in HD. I would've sent you the link if I had known you weren't getting the game.


  5. I am usually pretty crazy about insisting I only obtain my media legally. However, I might actually consider going outside the law here. That said, I heard a rumor TW signed a contract last night so as not to get a mass exodus of subscribers like myself.

  6. Jake, I don't think there's any question the Ducks are a good team (with some truly odd uniform choices), but we'll have to see what happens for the rest of the season. You guys WILL have a winning season.

    And while I have a healthy respect for the Dawgs, I can't help but cheer for Boise St.


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