
Saturday, August 6, 2011

That Catwoman Pic? a fake

apparently this was a Photoshop job. Well, what do you want? The outfit they had Adriane Palicki in for the WW pilot teasers was clearly 50% photoshop, filters, etc.., but was still the official WB picture. We'd gotten the pic from Project: Rooftop, and went back to give them proper attribution, and they posted that it was a fake. By a faker.

I guess we'll have to wait a bit longer before seeing Hathway in the costume.

But visit the post anyway and see a gallery of prior ladies to put on the cat-suit.


  1. So those photos from the set was a fake?

  2. No, the picture from earlier today.

  3. That was a really good Photoshop. But she still needs cat ears. Catwoman isn't Catwoman to me unless she has at ears in some capacity. Call me a traditionalist. Or a furry cosplayer (I deny everything!).


  4. I am more than curious to see the final product. But now that I think of Nolan's aesthetic, I am not sure we'll get ears.

  5. We got the bat ears, so maybe there's hope.

    But for my Catwoman dollar, it's got to be Eartha Kitt or nobody.

  6. Everyone says Nolan's aesthetic is so much more realistic yet we still have battle armor batman with bat ears. A high tech thief wanting to make a name for herself just might want to create a little cute trademark with cat ears. It really isn't something anathema to Nolan's design philosophy.


  7. I'm not straight up shooting down the idea, but I literally have no idea. Maybe, maybe not. If Joker was a guy with make-up splattered on his face and some really bad scarring, Nolan might come up with something else. I dunno. Scarecrow was also a nice "well, he wouldn't really dress up as scarecrow" sort of nod.

    I actually kind of like the Bane design. As someone who rolled his eyes at the luchador look when it debuted, getting a different look in is okay by me.


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