CHANGE OF PLANS: We are now attending the July 6th screening of both movies with Them! playing first, and then Godzilla
I haz crash ur party? |
People, I am no Godzilla aficionado (and yes,
they exist), but I am a fan of the Godzilla movies I have seen, including
the 1954 original. I am also a fan of the
1954 entomologists' dream, Them!. Why, if you're a fan of @#$% that can go wrong with wildlife during a nuclear test, this is absolutely the double-feature you've been waiting for.
Fortunately for us Austinites, this year's Paramount schedule features a double bill of both movies on the same night, and I am going to either do both of Tuesday or one each on Tuesday and Wednesday. If you want to join us, send me an email or text me or whatever.
worst. picnic. ever. |
Here's the Paramount schedule.
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