
Monday, July 25, 2011

A Brief Hiatus - Back Next Monday

Hi all!

At the risk of losing readership (both of you.  What up, Simon!), I'm going on hiatus for a week.

We sometimes go through these bits of manic writing, and when we come down from them, we need a break.  You probably would like a break from me, too, unless you were one of our many usual readers who started their break yesterday by avoiding reading Monday's post (and many of you did.  Probably all for the best.).

I bought a copy of this print a while back from artist Jill Thompson.

There is nothing I do not like about this picture.

While I'm away, I'll have Ms. Thompson's rendition of Wonder Woman watch over you, if that's okay.  She already took care of the Gorgon problem we had in the conservatory here at League HQ.

Anyhoo... we'll see you guys next Monday.   Of course the usual caveats about breaking news, etc... apply.

You guys watch out for each other, take care, and don't take any wooden nickels.


  1. Not much, chillin' in Portland trying to learn some stuff at OSCON. Have a nice week off from posting.

  2. Thanks, and you have fun in Portland.

  3. Diana looks a bit like PJ Harvey.

  4. Hmmm. Perhaps. I ain't complaining. And what would truly be a bold casting choice...

  5. Yeah, something about that Wonder Woman is a little creepy.

  6. So, with Jamie gone are you now glued to your sofa, covered in a fine sheen of junk food, candy, and soda, your eyes glazed and fixed up the flickering lights of bad movies in a dark room?

  7. Nope. I am trying to catch up on a few projects I've delayed for more than a year. Cleaning up the office, de-cluttering it. Bagging and boarding comics. Inventorying stuff not inventoried, etc...

    I'll be doing a post on it afterwards. The only movies I've watched were "Kiss Me Deadly" (which I think you'd like, its an odd one), and "In a Lonely Place", which was really good (AmyD actually recommended it).


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