
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A 4th of July fantasy

Steanso's 2 Favorite People celebrate FREEDOM

  • Full bar? Check?
  • AmyD's Independence Day enthusiasm at 110%? Check.(note celebratory kitten shirt for full evidence)
  • Pontificatin' Hat on backwards? Check.
  • Wagner in a phenomenal topper of her own?  Check.
  • Julia and I in matching shirts?  Check.
  • PaulT and Jamie framing the picture?  Check.

That's Independence Day at League HQ.


  1. Also, please note: our bar has pie. That's how you know this is League HQ party.

  2. Never have I felt so much pride, shame, and patritiotism all welling up in my heart at the same time!

  3. Someone was very enthusiastic about our nations birthday.



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