
Friday, June 17, 2011

This is going to become one of those dorm room poster things, isn't it?

Apparently this is a completely unstaged photo that was taken during the riot in Vancouver after Bruins beat Vancouver for the Stanley Cup. In fact, the photographer didn't even know what he had until his editor showed him the picture.

You Canadians. You can't even riot without it turning into something sweet.


  1. There's some question about its authenticity.

  2. I'm not sure its "inauthentic" (ie - staged, photoshopped, etc..), but I think it stands to reason that the picture doesn't tell the story it seems to on first blush. Just as people have misunderstood this photo of me running nude through the woods so, so many times.

  3. Modern protests being what they are, I had just sort of thought they were drunk or something. I didn't realize we were all supposed to have jumped to the conclusion that this was some sort of "make love not war" protest statement. Regardless of whether the scene involves passion or compassion, I think the juxtaposition of a little TLC in the face of scrambling crowds and riot police makes for a really interesting image...


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