
Monday, June 20, 2011

A quick catch-up

It was a movie-riffic weekend. 

On Friday I saw Green Lantern.  Saturday was Troll Hunter.  Sunday was Super 8.  I think I liked Super 8 the best of the three, and all were fluffy summer faire. 

Friday I spent finally catching up on some sleep and reading.  Saturday...  well, who can account for it?  Saturday night was lazy, but Jamie wasn't feeling good and my foot is giving me issues again, so I needed to stay off of it. 

Today was Father's Day, and I did spend some time this weekend prepping my Father's Day post to The Admiral.  We met up Sunday for brunch up in North Austin, and had a lovely time. 

This evening we were supposed to meet up with Jamie's folks to take them to Super 8, but Jamie's folks were flying in from Mississippi and their plane was delayed in Dallas.  So...  we will need to tag up with Judy & Dick sometime this week.*  Judy & Dick were off seeing Judy's relation who turned 100 years this weekend.  100.  That is completely amazing.  When she was born, WWI hadn't yet happened.  The Civil War still had living veterans and widows.  She would have been in her 20's when the first issue of Superman hit the stands.  Mind-boggling.

I am ready for a weekend with less to do.  I haven't even made it to Barton Springs quite yet, and that is unprecedented.  I may even try to avoid going to the cinema next weekend. 

Hope you guys had a good one.

*An oddity of the Alamo, you buy your tickets ahead of time to guarantee seating.  So we didn't really have a choice and needed to go.

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