
Monday, May 23, 2011

You guys have no idea I watch my own traffic

...and despite that fact, I keep posting on the things upon which I (and, apparently, only I) care to discuss.

But this may be my favorite new hit.

I can see search terms people use to find my blog, and unlike some classics we had in the League of Melbotis days, I get very few people looking for nude images of superheroes at this site.  However, I did note that someone was looking for:  Scott Pilgrim "youth culture"

Someone in the University of California at Santa Barbara is either trying to write a Thesis on Scott Pilgrim and Youth Culture, or... more interesting, its from the President's Office, you may notice, and perhaps its the Crusty Old Dean.  I'd like to think s/he accidentally caught Scott Pilgrim on HBO in a hotel room last week and is now trying to decipher the movie in a vein attempt to hip themself up and understand the lingo of the youth they're supposed to be serving.

That would be awesome.

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