
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Today, I leave you to ponder Big Barda, one of my favorite comic characters

not known for a light touch, Barda is, nonetheless, pretty effective
Kirby's costume designs (and characters, and dialog, and plots...) during this era were just crazy and amazing


  1. Let's hear it for full figure ladies....

  2. I used to love the interplay between Barda and Scott Free/Mr. Miracle back during the JLI days. The whole Death of the New Gods storyline really made me sad. One of these days I'm going to have to get some of those Kirby New God's compendiums to read some of the original work.

  3. They also released them in B&W on newsprint in the late 90's, and I imagine those go for cheap. That was how I finally got my head around Kirby.

    I confess to being a big, big fan of the entire Miracle/ Barda thing. I've got an entire run of both volumes of Mister Miracle, and I picked up those Kirby hardbacks from a couple years back.

  4. You should read Michael Chabon's essay about Big Barda (it's called "A Woman of Valor"). It is in his book Manhood for Amateurs. He writes about comics and Dr. Who all over the place -- you might like him!

  5. I think Ryan has read at least one Michael Chabon book...

  6. Everyone should read "The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay" by Chabon as it is a fantastic book.

  7. "Kavalier & Clay" is one of my favorite prose books. I had another Chabon book, but I loaned it to my thieving brother and it never came back...

  8. Too bad DC killed all joy out of the New Gods.


  9. I am just waiting for Morrison to reboot them. DC can't not have the New Gods.

  10. Yeah, I'd have to assume that they'll bring them back at some point. Grant Morrison would be an interesting writer to take them on. I'm really hoping with this new JLI book they are coming out with that DC can find some way to get Barda and Mr. Miracle back in the universe proper.


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