
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Signal Watch Housekeeping Updates

1)  I have started working on the Summer 2011 Signal Watch movie-watching and events calendar.  With this calendar, I'm letting everyone (especially Jamie) know where I'll be this summer when it comes to some of the fantastic offerings going on at various Austin cinemas (The Alamo, The Paramount and the newly opened Violet Crown Cinema).  I will also be adding a show or two in San Antonio thanks to TPR's Summer Film Series.

The calendar is only a guideline, so if you want to join me for a movie, please email to make sure I will actually be there.

Keep your eyes peeled.  We'll be updating the calendar regularly.

2)  I hit that point where I'm online too much and not reading enough.  I will be ratcheting back posting a bit (until I start posting too much again). 

3)  Please keep the comments coming.  We love to hear from all of you!  And if you're a reader who never comments, please do so!  This site works best when people comment.  For example, who is the mysterious stranger from Pepsi Co who keeps reading my blog?

4)   I forgot that there is a button in the panel that will allow me to shorten the articles on the front page.  It will necessitate a button click from you to read the full post, but I figure it will clean things up quite a bit on the front page if you're just scrolling around.

1 comment:

Keep it friendly. Comment moderation is now on. We are not currently able to take Anonymous comments. I apologize.