
Monday, May 16, 2011

A Potpourri of Random Bits

Off to Sweet FLA

So, tomorrow I am off to Orlando, Florida.  I am attending a small, but nation-wide conference of folks interested in theses and dissertations.  Its a part of what we do at my office, this business of dealing with how universities accept electronic copies of theses and dissertations, process them and put them into internet repositories.

I am actually presenting, which is always fun.  If you people think I like shooting my mouth off here, give me a live audience that can't leave.  The conference is right next to Disney World, but I think its a little creepy for a guy in his mid-30's to spend time alone in the Magic Kingdom, so I will likely be taking a pass on all that.  That said, I LOVE Disney World.  I really do.  Space Mountain, The Haunted Mansion, Pirates of the Caribbean, the Hall of Presidents, Future World, Donald Duck, Mickey, Minnie, Pluto...  the whole shebang.  Very fond memories of going with my family as a kid, and very fond memories of going with Jamie about 11 years ago.  Wow.  Like, exactly 11 years ago.

So, I have no idea what my blogging schedule will be.

On the plane I'm taking two books:  1)  American Gods, which I've started but not finished, and 2) The Long Fall, which Jason read and it sounds exactly like something I'd enjoy, so...


I hadn't planned to read DC's summer series, Flashpoint, as it was released, but its starting to sound like if you aren't up to speed when this thing ends, the DCU could be a confusing place for sometime.  I was planning to pick up the Lois Lane spin-off, so I might as well grab the main series.

On Friday I picked up the first issue, and its definitely compelling stuff which Johns handles well.  I'm just not all that into the "alternate" versions of characters unless its a specific Earth, as in one of the Multi-Verse Earths.  Too much sci-fi TV and the endless going back to the well for Age of Apocalypse that X-Men pulled during my angrier comic reading days more or less killed my interest in this sort of thing.  But it is only five issues for the main series, so let's see where we end up.

Word on the street is that this series will be a soft reboot of the DCU.  I'm not sure what that will mean, but I'm guessing that since Infinite Crisis failed to achieve the desired effect (thanks, OYL), DC is looking to see what it can do about some of those lingering items such as Wonder Woman's mucky history and maybe clear up Barry Allen's timeline now that he's back.  As per Superman...  I have a sneaking suspicion we may see a change or two, but I'll keep those in my pocket and see if I'm right come September.

Looking at the solicits for August, released today, it does appear that a lot of titles are wrapping things up in August (Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman...).  When you also think about the fact that Grounded in the Superman books was pushed a bit and Wonder Woman was pushed to August, adding two issues onto a mildly popular series...  and the fact that all DC creative personnel are apparently under lock and key until end of summer...  well, it spells some major shifts. 

Its also been plenty of time with Diane Nelson to survey DC, move Levitz to the sidelines, bring in Harras and put Didio where he can do less harm, I have to think something Crisis on Infinite Earths sized is about to happen across the DCU.  Now, my batting average on these predictions isn't great, but...  I dunno.  Its kind of interesting to see all the pieces coming together.

Blood Simple in Austin June 5

This summer is positively crazy with movie options.  Our own PaulT pointed out the summer schedule for the Alamo Drafthouse Rolling Roadshow (something which is usually done anywhere but Austin since we moved back to town) was posted today with a Texas-centric film series 

Giant is showing in Marfa, along with No Country for Old Men.  Ft. Worth will get Red River.  And Austin will get Blood Simple, a neo-noir/ thriller by the Coen Bros. shot here in Austin back when this was a town more than a city.  And if you think I'm not lining up for that one, you have another thing coming.

If the spirit truly moves me, I may wander up to Groesbeck, TX for The Searchers (my God, I love that movie for absolutely no reason).

Bizarrely Popular for a Day

So I guess "Rita Hayworth" must have been the answer to a crossword puzzle clue over the weekend, because I was suddenly getting lots and lots of hits for people looking for "Star of Gilda", which sounds a bit like the name of a ship or a racehorse to me, but I'm guessing was somebody's idea of a clever crossword puzzle.  Anyway, a while back I talked about Star Trek and Gilda in the same post, and... boy, howdy. 

Well, I like to help out where I can.

KareBear Returns from Kenya

Let us welcome home mi madre, who has just returned from her fourth mission trip to Kenya.  She's been so often she's actually got this network of friends over there now, so its kind of exciting to hear what's going on when she comes back.

The missions are organized out of my folks' church, and has the dual purpose of evangelizing and providing folks with eye glasses.  You can guess that there aren't too many Eye-Marts in rural Kenya, and so the service is sorely needed.

We're delighted she returned safely, and we hope she can go again.

Admiral to see repairs on Starboard Side

The Old Man is having some routine surgery on his shoulder tomorrow, so lets all wish him well and take advantage of the fact he can't hit back for a while.  I am going to noogie the dickens out that guy.


  1. Have fun in Orlando. I'm sure you can hire some kids to go to Disney World with you. Mind you I don't know if that is any less creepy.

  2. Eat some ice cream. Enjoy the sunshine.

  3. This conference is wall-to-wall activities. No Mouse for me til Friday.


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