
Sunday, May 8, 2011

FCBD 2011 at Austin Books

Hey! Today was Free Comic Book Day all 'round the world!

As has become tradition, Jason, Jamie and I headed down to Austin Books and Comics to see what was going down.

The line wrapped around the building from about 8:00 AM until sometime into the very late afternoon.

This goes on just all day long on FCBD at Austin Books
Jamie is a sport. I don't know that she actually likes FCBD too much, but she goes pretty much every year.

Jamie is cos-playing as Super-Jamie's alter-ego, Jamie

Austin Books had quite a bit going on, from Storm Troopers wandering around to signings by writer Chris Roberson and writer/ artist David Mack, sketches from the CCP Comics crew, and even shaved ice!

Of course, about 60% of our time was spent standing in line.

Jason is sort of a "Paisley Lantern"

a mix of the sun and the overwhelming joy of comics gets to Jason at long last

Alas, my big screw up of the day was that I utterly forgot to get a picture with writer Chris Roberson. I did, however, pick up his Elric comic and got him to sign a couple issues of Superman and an issue if iZombie. He was very nice, but, as always, I keep these things brief, so I didn't talk much. So, no picture.

Jason knows this is not the icey treat they are looking for

But, I couldn't resist getting a pick with ABC mascot Sidekick Girl. She asked that we strike our best heroic action poses. This is what I do for my hero pose:

fists of justice, people.  fists of justice.

All in all, another awesome FCBD at ABC! Lots of kids and families, lots of folks checking out all kinds of new comics. I've already read several I picked up, but not yet Roberson's Elric, nor the comic with Dean Trippe's "Power Lunch".  And on Simon's rec - I picked up Atomic Robo and Locke & Key.  Both were great and not what I expected.  Lots of fun!


  1. All the free stuff was gone at my local shop by the time I got there (to be honest, the bare walls were kinda scary), but I stuck around to see a performance by Detroit-based, comic-themed rapper Tha Brown Bomber:

    He's got his own superhero outfit and an agenda of positive themed rap, which focuses largely on comic book / video game culture (and yes, it's called "super hop"). I really respect what he's doing, but I have to admit, I'm not nerd-savvy enough to be into the lyrics.

    The man is a super tight MC, though, and I really really respect the performance: he admirably and elegantly dealt with both crowd apathy and technical difficulties in a very impressive way. When feedback from the mic interfered w/ the performance, he turned it off and walked into the crowd rapping at the top of his lungs. The man's definitely got a lot of character in addition to his mad skillz.

    Anyway, thought I'd give a shout-out here in case any of the readers of this site might be into such a thing.

  2. I had to go downtown on Saturday for an Android hack day event that Ottawa Android was putting on so I had a chance to swing by my comic shop early. I was able to pick up the Mickey Mouse and Cap/Thor book.

    It's going to be so hard to resist that Fantagraphic's Mickey Mouse books. I'm saving up my sheckles for the Bark's Ducks books that are starting to come out this November.


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