
Monday, May 30, 2011

Cinema Corps: Wednesday - "Touch of Evil" at The Paramount

On Wednesday June 1 at 7:00, catch a noir classic with Charlton Heston (hey!  More Cheston for me and Si!) and Orson Welles in Touch of Evil.  You can stay around, and on the same ticket, watch Welles' F for Fake, the movie I've never been able to watch to the end.  Srsly.  I can't deal with it.

True Story:  Touch of Evil is so frikkin' creepy, I literally turned it off the first time I watched it, went away for an hour and then came back to it.

Also, it stars Charlton Heston as a Mexican guy, because, apparently, there were no Mexican or Hispanic actors in 1958.  That is a scientific fact.*

But it is a good movie!  A really good movie.  So, join us!

*or some mid-range racism.  Slow clap, Hollywood.


  1. I don't know if I told you this story...but if I did before...then here's a encore.

    One year during film school I saw that they Paramount was playing Touch of Evil, and so I got together my buddies Allen and Jesse Trussell to go check it out. As I've done several times in the past I totally botched the date somehow, and the Paramount wasn't even open on the day we went... forward to Wednesday, when Jesse Trussell will introduce the Paramount's screening of Touch of Evil, a film he programmed...

    I think I'm going to make an attempt to make it to this one.

  2. F for Fake is worth it - I guarantee. In my opinion, one of the most ingenious documentaries ever produced. Give it a shot, and I'm sure once you get to Howard Hughes, you'll be completely enthralled!

  3. I love Touch of Evil. Great, all around film. However, I never really liked F For Fake. The "documentary" really seemed forced - a faked up documentary with re-spliced outtakes from another documentary, and Wells including himself. The whole ending with Picaso. It's an interesting logical puzzle, but didn't capture my imagination as a film.

  4. Also: Did you see that they are going to have actual clothes worn by actual Orson Welles?

    ...Pretty exciting...


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