
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Before London, A Tragic Lack of Inspiration

Next week I board a plane for my first trip abroad in a few years and my first trip to London, England.

During this time, the blog will go dark, I believe. Should Verizon and providence guide me, perhaps I will post to twitter or Facebook from my fancy-assed new iPhone. But don't count on it.

I have no expectations for London as, well... I don't get out much, so I sort of walk into every new situation as a complete and total surprise. "What do you want to do when you're in this place you've never been before and is a global center?" you may ask. "Well," I would say, "I think I saw a picture of a dinosaur skeleton in a book, so that seems like a thing to do. Plus, see a Beefeater or two. Maybe see if I can go walk around the Tate or get up close to Parliament."

I'm not a foodie, but I am game for whatever new options are put in front of me. But I'm also always happy to just eat off a cart somewhere, too, if I'm walking around.

Our only pre-planned adventure is seeing a musical of Hitchcock's "39 Steps". I have been told this was not the correct choice. And this is sort of why I am loathe to discuss my plans, which mostly involve maybe going to one museum per day, if I can get Jason and The Admiral to agree to my choice of museum. Aside from that... its a massive city with all kinds of stuff going on. I am pretty sure we'll figure something to do 24 hours per day.

Let us hope that the Brits believe in coffee, because otherwise I shall spend the time nursing a headache, hoping for naps and cursing the tea industry.

I suppose I shall also go to Forbidden Planet, if my travelling partners will humor me.

Leading up to this adventure, I'm a little stumped for content, and I apologize for that. Normally I'd just not blog, but as I'm headed away, I can't help but think two weeks away may be too long to just disappear. But maybe that's the thing to do?


  1. I'm terribly jealous. I love London.

  2. One day, we may go there together, and I will throw you off that bridge they show in all the movies.

  3. Just make sure you look right for on-coming traffic when crossing the street.

  4. I think seeing 39 Steps in London would rule.

    Trafalgar Square was kinda neat. The area around Big Ben too. If you're into Indian food, we had a delicious dinner at one in Notting Hill I can find out it's name if you're interested. Seeing Jen was really awesome too.

    I think we spent less then 12 hours total in London, so that was about all we did. There is without a doubt more awesome and less awesome things...just go have fun...

    ...they have coffee if memory serves...the also have tea (which can also mean eating dinner).

  5. Since you are such a movie buff you should recreate the meet cute scene between Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant in Notting Hill.

    Then do the subway scene between Gwenyth Paltrow and John Hannah in Sliding Doors.

    I mean, c'mon, everyone dreams of doing that right, right?! ....No? Oh...Maybe it's just me...


  6. Or, how about recreating the Lord of the Rings meal day?

    The food was just delicious too. Here was the meal plan:

    First Breakfast
    Fresh Hens eggs, nice crispy bacon, grilled mushrooms and orange slice

    Second Breakfast
    Strawberries and Cream

    Pan Seared Sausage and tomatoes with cheeses, cabbage and pickles

    Braised Spareribs with mashed potatoes, roast carrots

    Afternoon Tea
    Baby greens with garlic blackberry vinaigrette, cheese herb galette, served with tea cookies

    Stewed Coney (rabbit) with taters, carrot, and leek, fresh garden herbs with crusty bread

    Swirl of tomato and spinach soups wild mushroom crouton, apple pie


  7. I hope you're planning on visiting Abbey Road. And riding the London Eye. Tower of London is a pretty good tour. Oh, and make a trip to Stonehenge.

  8. I very much doubt we'll leave the city, so no Stonehenge on this trip. I do plan to go to Tower of London. Everything else is sort of a "does everyone feel like doing this?" sort of thing.


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