
Monday, February 28, 2011

Taking a break

even Superman chillaxes every once in a while

I posted plenty over the weekend. Scroll down and catch up.  Feel free to send in questions.


  1. While I respect your need for RnR, it's worth noting that Jane Russell has merged with the infinite, and I'm curious about your thoughts on the matter.

    At your convenience, of course.

  2. scroll down! I would not let Ms. Russell's passing go without notice.

    Sadly, I have little to say on the matter as the only movie I've seen in which she starred was "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes".

    I do know she was a fine singer and actress, and was a worthy counterpoint to Monroe, and had a sneer that made you want to take two steps closer.

  3. Talk about instant gratification!

    Full service blog, this is...

  4. Wait, where's my Nausicaa review?? Was hoping you would have some thoughts on that and contrast it with Western graphic media. :)


  5. Hey Ryan, you should read this article about the death of the femme fatale: . I read it and instantly knew I had to send it your way. :) I'm curious as to what you think about it.

  6. I will be getting to Nausicaa next up! No worries. I got distracted with some movies and had to write up Knaves' Ward.

    @Amy - Its a good article. I'll likely be writing a follow up on it myself. Curiously, its something I've been thinking about a bit the past few weeks.


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