
Saturday, February 12, 2011

DC Insists I not Read Their New "Static Shock" comic

I wasn't reading superhero comics when the Milestone line was introduced.  I remember looking at "Static" in his Malcolm X hat on the rack, thinking "if I were reading superhero comics, I would try out this new line."  And then "Why did they put him in a cap that's part of a fashion fad?".

Static would go on to get picked up as a Saturday morning cartoon on the Kids WB!, which I really liked.  Static was always a bit in over his head, and somehow the show managed to make him likeable despite its many cliches and trappings of the teen-aged superhero schtick (including the best friend who just happens to be a techno-wiz).

I've since read some of the earlier Static stuff, and its pretty good.  I'd pick up a new series, or would I?

A while back, DC started hiring TV writers who feigned enthusiasm about comics, including writer Felicia Henderson, whose credits include Family Matters, Sister, Sister, and Gossip Girl.  Not just shows outside the superhero milieu, but not shows known for their superior plotting or character development.*

So, yeah, great.  TV credentials.  I blamed this mostly on Dan Didio, who came from TV and tried to bring the serial sensibility with him, and what passed for his Hollywood connections to get TV writers on board.  the results were pretty much uniformly unreadable, and, sadly, I'd include the few issues of Henderson's Teen Titans I tried to read once they added some of my favorite DC characters like Blue Beetle and Superboy into the mix.  Frankly, those issues were "I am becoming angry this was how I spent $3"-bad.

She has been handed Static, which is a bit of a disappointment, but then DC is putting Scott "look how fast I can draw!" McDaniel to the art is one of those things...  some people are into McDaniel's work, which I find...  perfunctory.  I mean, that is definitely comics art, but when DC hires him it often seems to be because time is of the essence, and if a leg looks like a ham, then, okay.  He's just not my cup of tea**

I genuinely don't know what DC is thinking launching Static under Henderson, except that its possible they severed their better connections with Milestone originator Dwayne McDuffie during the JLA fiasco of 2007-2008.   And while I see no reason Static shouldn't be tried out again (although it seems a little too little, too late when the show has been off the air for years), why launch under Henderson?  What could she bring to the table that a hundred hungry young writers couldn't? 

*Did I do thaaaaaat?
**While I like the Shane Davis/ Ivan Reis school of design, I do appreciate stylized work.  I grew up thinking Breyfogle and Miller were pretty keen, after all.  McDaniel never feels so much stylized as he feels rushed.


  1. I too enjoyed the TV show, though I only saw it sporadically. Nice tie in with Batman Beyond as well. I will not be picking up the comic...

  2. They later also tied it in with Justice League Unlimited, which was a lot of fun. Static seems like a good fit for the DCU, but I just wish DC went about these things a little better.


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