
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Signal Watch Events - January/ February 2011

Signal Watch Events is a standard service to alert Signal Corps members of movies, concerts, sporting events that we are considering attending.  You can also check the Signal Watch calendar (see the tab above) or click on this link.

If you plan to attend an event or would like to suggest an event, please contact us and let us know! 

Please note:  While we have the best of intentions, we don't actually make it to all events. We would like to put our best foot forward, so if you plan to join us, please email us so we can discuss.

Also, we're usually up for dinner or something coordinated with an event, so just ask.

  • January 13 at 7:00 - Out of the Past at The Paramount Theater
  • January 14 at 7:00ish or something - Girl Talk at the Austin Music Hall
  • January 16 at 2:00 - Out of the Past at The Paramount Theater
  • January 16 at 4:00 - Laura at The Paramount Theater
  • January 16 at 7:00 PM - Alamo Cinema Club:  Some Came Running hosted by Richard Linklater at Alamo Downtown (a 3 movie marathon seems like a bit much, so the outlook on this isn't great)
  • January 19 at 10:00 PM - Tough Guy Cinema presents:  Robocop at Alamo Downtown
  • January 22 at 7:00 PM - Abbot and Costello Meet Frankentsein at The Paramount Theater
  • January 22 at 9:00 PM - Frankenstein at The Paramount Theater
  • January 28 at 11:55 PM - The Room at Alamo Village
  • January 30 at 6:00 PM - Texas Rollerderby at the Palmer Events Center
  • February 13 at 7:00 PM (alternate times considered) - Zzang!! presents Big Trouble in Little China at Alamo Downtown (you are pissing me off to no end!)
  • February 20 at 7:00 PM - Alamo Cinema Club presents Bigger than Life at Alamo Downtown


  1. I saw Girl Talk as a part of Moogfest in Asheville in October. Boy, was I too old for that show.

  2. Bummed that I won't be near Austin on the 16th, which is my B-day, and "Out of the Past" is pretty much canonical noir.

    If I could be so bold as to make a book rec, "Baby I Don't Care" is a brilliant bio of Mitchum. Same author did a bio of Ava Gardner which was also great for people interested in this sort of business.

  3. As much as I've grown to like Girl Talk, I'm not sure standing around to watch someone play on a laptop should be considered a concert.

  4. Firstly, Randolph, I will not be "standing around" so much as demonstrating my sweet dance moves.

    To be truthful, I often feel the same way about people standing there facing me playing a guitar, so a laptop doesn't seem that much different.

    And I have no idea who the crowd will be for Girl Talk. I know plenty of folks my own age who like him, but I don't know if they'll show up. As this year I hit 36, its no big shock that I'm going to be skewing old for the crowd. Live music, especially for newer acts, is mostly a young person's game (and most of my peers are too busy changing diapers to make it to many shows). I would have felt very old at Dresden Dolls had a couple in their 50's camped out right in front of me.

    I've seen "Out of the Past" twice, and I like it a lot. I'm very excited its going to be showing.

    As per Mitchum, according to a few things I've read, he was the real deal. I think a bio could be good reading.

  5. For half the price you paid for those tickets, you can watch me on my laptop and dance as I play Girl Talk's albums. I'll even have a strobe light and some folks smoking to add to the ambiance. I'll even buy a case of Fat Tire for you.

    Call it Club RHPT.

  6. Laura is an awesome noir - I'm sure after you see it it'll make the top ten list. Wish I could be there.

  7. Ah. See, I should have been more clear. The list from the other day was sort of a kick-start list.

    I actually own copies of Laura and Out of the Past thanks to some noir collections I've got my hands on.

    But I am VERY excited to see them on the big screen.

    And Randy: I think you just described a pretty fun afternoon in your garage. I am in.

  8. Ok ok, I want to see Out of the Past. It was filmed in Bridgeport, CA and I've actually spent some time there (visiting and fishing), so I'm interested in seeing it.

    Big Trouble in Little China. For me, there is no escape. ;)

    Since Jamie will always be the "Lotsa Pain" to your "Super-Maime" (the hyuks are deafening!), I think it is required that we attend the rollerderby with our own monikers. I, of course, will go as "Panda Demic."

    This events list is a cool idea for your blog. It clued me in to some cool things. Thanks!

  9. Any chance of seeing The Room the 21st or Feb 4th?

  10. Don't wait on me if you want to go earlier, but i might be persuaded to go on the 4th.

  11. I want to say there's some reason I can't remember why the 21st doesn't work. I KNOW I can't the 28th.

    I'll plan on the 4th, and maybe see you there...don't let me or Tommy Wiseau down though...


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