
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Drawing the Line at $2.99

The Never Ending Battle to Make it Sound Like $2.99 is a bargain!
I kid, I kid.  But I can't help but be amused that $2.99 is a big selling point for DC.  Why didn't they try to hold the line at $2.50 or $2.00?  Well, better late than never, one supposes.  But at $3.00, it was already getting a bit rich for my blood.

I have to say:  I like Wonder Woman's new outfit much better once you ditch the jacket, but I still miss the red boots. 

Also:  I haven't read Brightest Day yet, so I'm not entirely comfortable with Martian Manhunter adopting pants but eschewing a shirt.  I kind of liked the One Year Later redesign, but I guess that was just me...

And an additional note:  Hey, look!  Its the JLA's original seven prominently displayed in a house ad!  With Barry and Hal and everything!  If they can get Wonder Woman's boots squared, we may be back to cooking with gas.


  1. Her outfit does seem more sensible.

  2. I agree. I'm curious if its a longterm change, though. That other outfit is pretty iconic to the public.

  3. There is no way the WW costume survives a year. I'm sure they are already thinking about how to return her to normal after JMS bailed on the book.

  4. Agreed. I kind of suspect that was part of the storyline, but as I haven't read more than one issue of the new JMS, I couldn't say for sure.


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