
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Big Hiatus

Okay. Real hiatus this time.

I am usually pretty honest with you guys about most aspects of my life. Last time I took a hiatus, it was largely so I could screw around and play the new DCU Online game, which I did and am doing. If anyone else is playing, let me know so we can team up. It didn't feel like a big deal to break the hiatus because, well... I was playing video games.

This time I'm going on hiatus because I made a New Year's resolution and I am not sticking to it. I mean, I should be, but that takes discipline. And it also means: quit talking about comics nobody in this audience is reading, anyway. Take a break.

I mention this once every blue moon, but a decade ago I started working on The Great American Novel, and when I am blogging, I am not finishing The Great American Novel. And, dammit, America has been waiting, I am sure, for another pulpy, crappy book to not get picked up, because, seriously... I do feel like I have to say it out loud, or its not real or I don't have to do it, because nobody knows about it, anyway. But if I say something, well, gee... it makes it all a little more real.

Anyhoo... My New Year's resolution was not to finish the book, but at least spend more time on it than this here blog, and get some new chapters cranked out by year's end. And I am failing at that.

And, yes, its exactly like this.


  1. Good luck on the novel! My wife finally finished her novel a few months ago, and I helped get it ready for publishing on Kindle and paperback.

    We're finding that the hardest part is not finishing the novel, but putting the effort into promotion, especially when you don't have the backing of a large publisher.

  2. Oh, yes. Well, right now the issue is having something in hand so I could even consider promoting something, but I'm somewhat aware of distribution and promotion issues and sort of half keep my eyes open on that stuff. Now is probably not the time for trying to find a place amongst established channels for book stores, etc...

    Anyway, I have miles to go before its an issue, but I'll likely want to chat with you guys about the guerilla publishing route.

  3. Good luck with the writing! Does the main character need a plucky Canadian sidekick? Anyway, if you ever need to turn your book into a Android/iPhone app just let me know.

  4. Thanks! Sadly, the story is thus far completely Canadian free, but I will see what I can do. As per Apps, lets me finish and I will think on it, because that sounds like a fun promotional thing someday.

  5. For the record, I enjoy reading your posts about comics I am not reading anyway.

    But I strongly endorse the finishing of the great American novel - good luck with that!

  6. I appreciate the support! Both on the comics front and on the book front.


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