I don't pick up all that many monthly 32 page comics these days. Well, more than YOU most certainly, but less than I had been.
DC still very much
wants to sell monthly comics, but its made the act of doing so somewhat frustrating of an experience, and a fairly expensive one, too. Add in the fact that, frankly, I'm not crazy about some of the talent DC has put on some of the books (and the directions either the talent or DC have decided are a good idea).
So some books I haven't read and won't read for some time. And others I likely won't read.
As I say, DC wants for me to read the monthly books because that's more or less their core business. Its much easier and cheaper to put out a monthly comic than commit upfront to a trade paperback or graphic novel approach, and forget about getting stats off digital at this point.
In the just-released January previews, DC seems to have gone for this "iconic" approach to its covers and characters, and I quite like it.
I invite you to check out the covers
here, at Newsarama.
Superboy! and KRYPTO!!! |
Not only has the artist rendered Superboy as a teenager, but the iconic image with Krypto right there next to him may not tell the story of the issue, but it does tell you "this is a comic about a Superboy and his super dog." And, hey, I'm going to buy that comic.
No, I do not expect a comic about a Superboy and a Super Dog to be particularly "edgy", but I do expect it shall be awesome.
Blue Beetle on the cover of Justice League: Generation Lost |
I am an unabashed fan of the latest iteration of Blue Beetle and am thrilled that DC has decided to continue on with the character. Jamie's sci-fi powers are very cool in a Green Lantern-y sort of way (only with hardware instead of energy constructs). But I'm trade-waiting on this actual series, and so far I only know the basic premise.
But, man, that cover gives BB a chance to look pretty rad.
And, yeah, I do miss Ted, too. But I think he's the new Barry Allen.
Steel |
I have a deep, dark secret about Steel. Three years ago I found the entire run of the original series of Steel for sale for a fraction of the cover price, and I bought it. But I've never read it.
Anyway, Steel here looks heroic and you get an idea of his shtick. He's an armored guy who teams up with Superman and hits things with a hammer. There you go.
John Henry Irons is the DCU's Iron Man, only without the ego issues and alcoholism. He's not had a huge chance to develop in recent years, but when he was in
Superman: Man of Steel and
JLA, I thought he was a GREAT supporting character for the Superman titles. He was like Superman's pal who could actually keep up with Kal-El without constantly asserting himself like a kid with low self-esteem, ala Batman.
This is the cover for a Steel one-shot, likely to test the waters for a Steel mini-series or series. Personally, I think he could be built up in the pages of
Action or
Superman or a hypothetical and non-existent rebirth of the old
Superman Family comic, but nobody asks me these things.
yurgh. this is what DC is selling as JLA these days. |
So this is one of those places DC just lost me. I have a complete run of the last volume of
JLA that started under Grant Morrison. I will argue you into the ground that Brad Meltzer's take on the
JLA was very, very correct when this volume started. I will even forgive Dwayne McDuffie for struggling with what was obvious and unfair editorial management of the team and comic. But after Robinson's less-than-stellar run on
Superman, I wasn't excited at all about Robinson coming onto
There's just nothing that says JLA to me about this line-up, with Robinson on words and Bagley on pencils or not. Maybe Morrison or Waid or Johns could pull off this line-up, but the point is almost moot. While
a Batman appears on the cover, the flagship title of DC Comics should not feature supporting the players from DC's flagship books. I may even LIKE these characters (and in most cases, I do), but DC needs to work on branding. Flat out, Justice League needs to always have at least 2 of the original 7 in the line-up (Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman and Martian Manhunter). This line-up feels like "JLB" or "JLC".
If you're going for Iconic Covers, this just tells me this book will need a new direction before I'm likely to read JLA again.