
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Short Post

Alas, I had to spend the evening writing our family Christmas letter for this year.  So, no real post.

Also, I must now spend time further investigating the magic that is Kanye West and his new album.  And, Ninja Assassin is on HBO, and its sort of distracting. This movie has really embraced how much blood there is in the human body and the various spray patterns you're likely to see from Ninja weapons. 

Here's Kanye's video for Power.

I suggest blowing it up to full screen size.

I always like when I can't quite get my head around what an artist is doing. And maybe I'm overthinking Mr. West's work, or maybe not. But I figure its 2011. Go big or go home.

For the Runaway short film, go here.


  1. You need to check out the preview for his Monster video:


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