
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Monthly stack o' comics has arrived

...which means I think I'm going to read some comics tonight. 

Also, I am actually starting to feel better.  Sure, I gave Jamie my cold, but she's a trooper.  She'll sort through this.

But I look forward to feeling quasi-normal for the first time in several days.

Anyhow, off to read some Superman.  Ya'll have a good one.


  1. Interesting take on Marvel dropping the price of their books to match DC:

  2. ... and I'm glad to hear that you're getting better. I hope you recover soon.

  3. That's actually pretty much how the announcements felt if you were follwoing NYC ComicCon online. They've now stepped back and claimed they were misquoted and misconstrued, but, basically, Marvel stepped in it.

    That said, they didn't trim page count like DC did.

  4. Oh, and thanks! Feeling very much better today. Can actually thinks traight, which makes me wonder what I sent out via email yesterday to colleagues.

  5. "Can actually thinks traight"

    Please tell me you did that on purpose...

  6. I can only wish. Different parts of the brain are catching up at different rates.


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