
Friday, November 26, 2010

How is everyone's Thanksgiving going?


How's your Thanksgiving going?  Ours is going pretty well. 

Yesterday we had a lovely Thanksgiving dinner at League HQ with Jamie's folks, my folks, Jason, Susan, Ciara, Heather and JuanD.  Then we watched the Cowboys AND the Longhorns... lose.  We had as traditional a Thanksgiving meal as you can likely imagine, complete with discussion of "we are thankful to be living in the 21st Century".

It was all a lot of fun.  Sort of.  Stupid Longhorns.  Next year, right?

Anyway, let me know how your Thanksgiving is going.  Did you go to the Friday doorbuster sales?  Watch football?  Eat Turkey?  Are you home, alone in your boxers eating a Hungry Man dinner?


  1. I'm alone, in my office, eating a Hungry Man dinner (don't tell anyone I work with...)

  2. I'm at work. Not many people are here as it is freezing rain today in Ottawa. Also, a lot of people seem to have taken this opportunity to head south to do some Black Friday shopping in the USA. Me I may just purchase some stuff from The Oatmeal as they are having a nice sale as well.

  3. We celebrated with a sick 3-yo. How's that for a thanksgiving.

  4. I made roast duck, and it was awesome.

  5. I really like duck, but, man... you are brave for trying to do it at home. I would have such a hard time figuring out how to prepare it without ruining it.

  6. I've been roasting lots of chickens, but this was my first duck. It's really not that difficult - you should try it!

    Two pieces of advice: 1. you need a meat thermometer to roast, b/c you can't just rely on a set time in a recipe. 2. ignore the duck roasting recipes which say you have to roast it for 4 hours, I did mine for 1:25 or so, mostly at 350, then at 400 for the last 10 minutes.

    The only real difference between duck and chicken is that you need to prick the skin to let the fat run out. But I think the high fat content probably also makes the duck more forgiving when it comes to exact roasting time.

  7. Things went well at HQ! Kudos to McSteans, The League, and the other friends and family who pitched in to make it a good one!

  8. I spent the day worrying about my sick 7 year old. That, and having a nice meal with my parents.

  9. Well, with 7 dogs and 7 humans, we were able to play man-to-man instead of zone, so that was nice.

    Typical menu, I did some curried squash on orzo which went over well.

    Friday was the best part, as usual, since I took the carcass home and made a ton of stock for the freezer, and a turkey-root veg-pasta soup.

    Sorry your team isn't doing well, seeing the Ducks on top has been a rare treat.

  10. So much talk about Ducks...

    I'm looking forward to seeing Oregon in the championship bowl (yeah, I just made my predition). Its going to be a fun game.

    Sorry to those with sick kids. I recommend trading them in for healthy ones or for store credit.


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