
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Birdemic Returns to the Alamo!!!! - Cinema Series?

Austinites have two more opportunities to see Birdemic on the big screen (where it truly belongs!). The film is coming back to The Alamo!

June 16 at 10:30 pm
July 7 at 7:00 pm

Signal Corps, I am proposing a July 7, 7:00 pm screening.

You now have a full month to prepare yourself (if one can truly prepare) for BIRDEMIC!!!! Bring a coathanger, a check for one million dollars and a gun.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm going to be out of town...June 16th not a possibility?

  3. I'm attending a conference on the 17th, and would kind of like to not be crawling into bed at 1:00 AM. I am old.

  4. I'll accept the conference're not old enough to use the other one, I don't care what you say.

    I'm only a couple years behind you and I can still work a day on 1 hour of sleep.

  5. Houston misses out on yet another privileged Austin release.

  6. Keep your eyes peeled. It will come sooner or later.

    And, paul: I can make it on about 4 hours, but anything less and I turn into a bit of a bear. Not good when my job is public relations.

  7. You know, I should remember that not everyone has the 'luxury' of a job like mine that really doesn't have any demands...'d think that would also mean I didn't hate my job...

  8. Well, I don't really know if I can operate on one hour of sleep at work. Honestly, I've never had reason to try to do so.

  9. It's sometimes good to know your limits.

    I also know that I can't work an 8 hour day, take 4 hours off, then work a 21 hour night-day, then stay awake through the movie Big Fan (not a comment on the movie...I was just EXHAUSTED).

  10. Hey, I didn't make it through 9+ hour work day and "The Last Samurai". I woke up and Tom Cruise was be-armored and sword-fighting.

  11. Yes, I've learned my lesson, always bring a coat-hanger.


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