
Friday, May 7, 2010

Welcome to The Signal Corps!


In the poll for naming the readers of The Signal Watch, it came down to a tie. We dealocked on "Watchmen" and "The Signal Corps". Sensing this might occur, at some point, I told Jamie "hey, if we have a tie, you get the deciding vote".

So, the voting completed and the blog hopelessly gridlocked, I asked Jamie to write in today with her decision.

She says:

Hey, Signal Corps!

Ryan wanted me to expound on my choice of a name for his readers.

1) "Watchmen" is too well known as an already established title. Someone new to the site may get confused by the usage as a label for readers. I think "Signal Corps" is a little easier association to make to the blog's title, "The Signal Watch".

2) I know that the label "Watchmen", much like "firemen", "policemen", what have you, is not generally perceived as strictly identifying a group of dudes but rather a group of peeps. However. I am not a "men" and I know there are many other Signal readers who are not "mens" and therefore I prefer the gender neutral "Signal Corps".

3) I am the wife. End of discussion.

If it makes you feel better, lots and lots of things begin and end with #3 here at HQ.

So, welcome to The Signal Corps! We look forward to your participation!


  1. Not to mention Watchmen is copyrighted.

  2. We don't need no stinkin' copyright laws...

    Also, the DOD may be interested to know we're using the name "The Signal Corps"

  3. So what do you call an individual reader (the analogue to the old "Leaguer" or "Adventurer" on my blog)? A Corpsman?

  4. And as far as fart as copyright or trademark infringement go, this blog has all kinds of problems. Starting with the super S in the logo. Best not to think too hard about these things.

  5. I believe that we will have to call folks the "Corpsmen". Or "Corpsfolk" or "Corpspeeps".

    It dilutes Jamie's point a little, I suppose.

    Yeah, if DC decides to go after bloggers (which seems unlikely) we'll be in trouble. And I'd be in major trouble if they followed me back to LoM.

  6. Can we get someone with some artistic talent to design a Signal Corps logo al la the Rainbow Lantern Corps? Then we can all get t-shirts.

  7. I will certainly take it under consideration! We'll see if we can't find any artists out there, and I might take a whack at it ourselves.

  8. Someone with artistic talent = Ryan.


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